My Therapist Dr. "M"

Very few people have impacted my life in a way that is life changing and even fewer who have done so in a positive way. Fortunately for me I met such a person in Dr. M back in Jan of 2010 and since then my life has been improving one decision at a time.

Dr. M will be leaving very soon and I am genuinely happy for him and his family. Another position opened up for him that will allow him and his family to live their best life. I wish him all the best and hope I can find another person who can help me continue to grow as he has helped me do. Funny things about finding another person is that we did such great work that I may not need it for the kind of therapy we did. I have no illusions that I am perfect, but today I am emotionally healthy or at lest the healthiest I have ever been.

Therapy has been an important part of my recovery and I don't think I could have stayed sober and grown as much as I have without it. What is important for me in therapy is that it be a relationship of mutual respect and understanding and that is what Dr. M and I had. We had a very good relationship as doctor and patient which allowed me to learn how to love myself. In fact it was with this man's help that the possibility for me to learn and recognize how to "love myself" occurred.

In all the time we have worked together I became frustrated with him only once and that was because we did not agree on one specific thing. Yes, we did not see eye to eye on several points of interest when it came to my decision making and emotional growth, but we had a way of communicating that allowed us to clearly hear each other. I absolutely knew that Dr. M had my best interest at heart which allowed me to hear things from him that were difficult to hear and digest.

The time and effort he invested in helping me move forward in my life is priceless. In fact my going back to school to earn my degrees has been deeply influenced by our work together. Many years ago I wanted to be a therapist and help others to become the best they can be or help them believe they can be greater than they thought possible. Today, I am one of those people I wanted to help and believe I can do it because of the work I put into therapy. I know today that I can accomplish this life goal of mine which is a direct reflection from therapy, I start in the fall.

Today will be are last meeting and I find myself feeling sad, grateful and a loss for the right words to convey to him how important he has been in my emotion growth as a sober person. I think our time would have come to an end in the near future because I am doing well and making very good decisions overall without feeling overwhelmed. What I find interesting today is that above all the feelings I have this great sense of peace and serenity about moving forward without Dr. M's therapeutic support.

Thank you Dr. M for investing your time, patience, knowledge, compassion and encouragement in supporting my life's journey. We were able to do great work in a relatively short time and I will be forever grateful for it.


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