Taking Off

You get sober and life just starts to take a course where you had no intention of going. I expected to keep up with this blog since I got sober, but as you can see that has not been the case.

My life today looks nothing like the day I wrote my first entry. Today, I am extremely content with the life I am living. My life is not perfect, but it is mine and it is good! I am in my Senior year of college which is amazing to me!!! I will be the first in my family to earn a Bachelors degree and am in the process of filling out my graduate school application (it's long as shit). My relationship with Steve is better than ever! He is sober and doing very well!! I have no real worries and I have all that I need and what I have I value and want. I cannot complain about a single thing.

I still suffer from chronic hand, arm and back pain, I am still HIV+, I am still on disability (hoping to get off when I graduate with my MA degree), I still deal with fear and self-image issues, but in no way does it take me to a place where I think a drink would make it all better. I now have a true psychic change that has caused me to look at my overall life in a different perspective. I am grateful for every part of my life even the not so pretty parts.

I still trying to be the best me possible and one area that still gets me is saying "no" and getting over extended. What I have gotten better at is when I do say "yes" I am able to be honest and step back from a commitment without lying or manipulating. What I have found interesting is that people are so very kind about it. Seems to work much better than not showing up, LOL!

Interestingly enough is that I now have many other recovering alcoholics and addicts that want me to sponsor them. I am working with a great bunch of sponsies that are in very different places in their recover from being locked up after using, just getting sober again, in their first year of recover and even have one who has four years longer than me. I find myself in awe of these people and that they want what I have and even better is I too want what I have.

My Sober Life has take off and I am excited about the path it will lead me to.


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