
I can't believe it has been over a year since I last posted. Time seems to have passed with great efficiency and calm. I am doing much better and just celebrated four years of sobriety after enduring fifteen years of continuous relapses and the accompanying suffering. Life has change dramatically for me and have found a new happiness that is hard to express. Sometimes the human language is limited in its ability to express exactly what I want to say.

I do not know where to begin in catching you up on how my life has been transformed due to my work in AA. What I can say is that I do consider myself the happiest person I know. When I say this in meetings people tend to look at me funny, but is that not what we want out of life.

Today, I will make a commitment to update my blog at least once a week as a way to be grateful for what I have today and in hopes that my blog will one day may help someone through their joinery into sobriety.

Sobriety can be exhausting, but I am very happy with who I am, my life and where I am going.


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