A Psychic Change?
. Being so comfortably happy is an odd luxury I never really experienced before. Yes I have experienced happiness many many times in my life, but I was always preceded by some type of event/action. When I was the first person in my family to tree graduated from college-there was the effort of going to school. When I fell for a guy there was the effort of accepting a date or asking someone out then going on the date. You get the picture of what I mean in that regard. What I am talking about is just appreciating life and enjoy it form the great achievements to the just sitting on a meditation cushion and being happy at the process of one's own breath. Sometimes like today I catch myself at how much I really enjoy being alive and how really pay attention to my moments in life. For example, today I was in bed watching tv and I sat up, when I did I notice my dog, Precious, sitting on the floor relaxing. She looked up at me and I smiled and I felt joy arise from within. I reached over...