The Fellowship Has Sustained Me
. The last three days have been the most difficult in sobriety I have had to face. The fear and anxiety from my cancer diagnosis has been overwhelming. I don’t know why, but I feel awkward telling people what cancer I have, Carcinoma of the Anus, because of the location. Then again I don’t shy away from telling people when they ask because it is the truth. The research shows some good 5-year survivor rates for stage I and II, but they go down dramatically for stage IIIA and IIIB and the worst is stage 3, which is terminal. My cancer was described as invasive, which leads me to believe it is at least stage II.. I keep getting a sense of great foreboding that has me in tears daily. I keep reminding myself stay present because right here right now I am okay and have everything I need. As I have learned in AA, I have been going to a lot of meetings and sharing how I am staying sober through this. I am a strong believer of not dumping in meetings because how is that suppose to pr...