A well earned rant.
. After 14 years of repeatedly enter Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting for another 24 hour (sobriety) chip, I think I have earned the right to rant this one time. I can not say that this tirade is justifiable or even healthy, but I feel I should share with you where I stand as I begin this journey one more fuck'in time. To say I am angry would be a tremendous understatement. There are other words like enraged, furious, incensed, inflamed, infuriated, irate, outraged, rabid, riled, roiled, sore, wrathful, wroth, cross, livid, seething, worked up, acrid, acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, bitter, embittered, inimical, malevolent, rancorous, resentful, virulent, aggravated, annoyed, cantankerous, exasperated, ornery, and pugnacious that I could use to describe my acidic attitude at this moment. I also know that this feeling is about the best I can do with my frustration and bewilderment at my inability to sober. You want to know wh...